As Salaam Alaikum(peace be unto you)
I Troy L. Muhammad humbly on my familes behalf Am requesting donations for my wife Ladeana Muhammad and newborn child Asiakhan Auset Muhammad.My wife had complications with pregnancy doing childbirth in South Korea while being there on assignment from USA as a Bilingual Teacher;she was only 6 months pregnant and baby was due in January 2010.My wife is recovering slowly from the emergency surgery and my daughter was born a preemie weighing 1 lb 6 ounces(700 grams) and is fighting to stay alive in NICU.She was in Konyang University Hospital that specializes in preemie babies in Deajeon South Korea.The medicall bills are not fully covered by my health insurance so, i am trying raise $9880 to cover medical expenses because South Korea is not like America's healthcare billing system;they come to you daily requesting payment . (Update)My daughter (Asiakhan Auset Muhammad) was rushed to Samsung Medical Center in Seoul S.Korea for heart surgery because her Patent ductus arteriosus will not closed to 1.0 cm . The doctors told me that this week is her most important period. Since, her veins were too small, they have had trouble locating a Central Vein. This C.V will provide the much needed efficient feedings to better metabolize in her body.My wife is recovering from surgery and she was discharged and will be on bed rest.Yesterday,the Daejeon community that I have been networking with helped us find a small apartment that they help my wife move into that is
near Hospital.In addition, Her employer in S.Korea isn't honoring contract
provisions that provides her 3 months of maternity leave.This is why i'm driving hard with fundraising.I am in Denver Co right now taking care of some unfinished
business and I will be flying there as soon as visa clears .We are also in need of prima baby clothes,diapers,blankets and all babies accessories.Please donation what you can because the only support my family has is God and our communities.Click below to
Or Mail donations to:
Open Eyes Productions inc c/o Troy Muhammad
2380 Court place 202
Denver Co 80205
Troy L. Muhammad
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