Is Farrakhan calling for Black Separation from Mainstream Society?
"We have to come out of the thinking of a slave and come into the thinking and acting of free men and women. We cannot depend on others for what the horrible condition of our people demands now that we do for ourselves." He spoke for two and a half hours.
Be Ye Separated
I want to talk to you today about what Allah, God means in the language of separation and why separation is a necessity for the people of God today. I want to explore in the scriptures what Jesus meant when he said, “Be ye separated.” I would like to think over with you the parables that Jesus made in the New Testament of the Kingdom of God, where this Kingdom was produced by separation. Two would be grinding at the mill and He would take one and leave one. Two would be lying in the bed—that’s real close—but He would take one and leave one. And then he made parables of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven talking about the separation between the wheat and the tare, the sheep and the goat, because these two things, the sheep and the goat had two different natures; the wheat and the tare had two different natures.
God is interested in saving the righteous. So that puts everybody in the valley of decision as to which one are we? Am I the one who will be left in the bed? Am I the one who will be left at the well? Am I a tare that wants to strangle out the wheat? Am I a goat that wants to mislead the sheep?
hda2007_crowd10-30-2007.jpgCome out of her, My people
I want to talk to you today, about that voice in the 18th chapter of Revelations, a voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and her plagues, for her sins have reached unto heaven.” This means that the deviation, the abomination and filth of this world permeates America and it has even reached the holy people. Jerusalem is no longer a holy city except in name, for the filth and abomination of this Mystery Babylon has reached Jerusalem. It has reached Mecca, it has reached Medina, and if Rome, as the seat of Christendom where the Pope as the vicegerent of Christ resides, the filth and abomination of Satan’s world has reached Rome and The Vatican.
In other words, the sin of this world has reached the height and the degree where God, Himself is angry and is now sending plagues that reflect His absolute displeasure with the degree of sin and the abominations that have engulfed God’s people and the world that is ruled by Satan. Even the Holy Qur’an, which is the Book of scripture of Muslims, says in these words, “Set your face for religion, being upright before there come from Allah that which cannot be averted. And on that day they shall be separated.”
It is apparent that we cannot avert or avoid what the prophets predicted about the destruction and end of a world that has earned His (God’s) wrath. Jesus said he was in the world, as we are in the world, but Jesus, though he was in the world, he was not of the world. The problem with us is we are in it (the world) and we are of it, so a voice has to come up saying, “come out of her.” We’re in the most dangerous and troubling time since human beings have been on the planet, so “come out of her” has great meaning now to avoid complete extinction and complete destruction.
An Interview with Minister Farrakhan 10/2009 - Pt. 6
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