LITHONIA, Ga. — Bishop Eddie Long, the megachurch leader accused in a series of civil lawsuits of sexual misconduct with teenage boys, vowed from the pulpit to thousands of supportive congregants on Sunday that he would contest the accusations.
Bishop Long, senior pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, did not directly proclaim his innocence or specifically address charges that he had lured four young church members, now in their 20s, into sexual activity. But, to fervent applause and scattered fist pumps from two sets of worshipers, he pledged to legally challenge the claims against him.
“I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man, but I am not the man that’s being portrayed on the television,” Bishop Long, 57, said.
He said the case would be resolved “in the court of justice” and added: “Please understand, I think this is the only place I’ll find justice. This thing, I’m going to fight.”
Bishop Long, labeling the past week as probably the most difficult period of his life, likened himself to David facing Goliath.
“I’ve got five rocks, and I haven’t thrown one yet,” he said.
In a statement last week, Bishop Long said, “We continue to categorically deny each and every one of these ugly charges.”
Anticipating his remarks on the matter, churchgoers filled the 10,000-seat church to nearly overflowing for both morning services. Bishop Long was received warmly, with standing ovations and shouts of “We love you.”
One exception was a man who attended the second service and was escorted out, according to an Associated Press report, after he stood and yelled, “We want to know the truth, man!”
Bishop Long, wearing a beige suit and toting an iPad, tailored the day’s sermon to his personal travails. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous,” he said, quoting a biblical phrase from the Book of Psalms, “but the Lord delivers him out of all of them.”
“Unfortunately, my brothers and sisters, life is filled with painful situations that make the time of joy and happiness not as magnificent as we would like,” he said in a subdued tone.
“Some way and somehow, we will become better and walk through this painful situation.”
Bishop Long seemed overcome by emotion over the outpouring of allegiance at the early service. Before speaking, he tapped his heart several times and pointed appreciatively at the congregants.
The pastor, a father of four, was accompanied by his wife, Vanessa. He cited several ministers from other churches who came in support.
During his remarks, ushers handed out tissues to those in tears.
A church elder closed the early service by twice saying, “We stand by our pastor.”
New Birth says it has 25,000 members, many drawn by the message championed by Bishop Long that wealth and material prosperity are blessings from God that should be embraced. The church’s property fills 240 acres east of downtown Atlanta, and it was buzzing before sunup Sunday, with many attendees waiting at the still-locked church doors.
The church is stadiumlike, with a lower and upper deck, multicolored spotlights, six large video screens and loudspeakers that hang from the ceiling, spilling out gospel songs from a rousing 11-piece band. The service is recorded and sold within minutes after it is over on DVDs and compact discs.
A gift shop offers snacks, books, music and apparel bearing the New Birth logo.
Mr. Long’s accusers contend that he gained their trust by plying them with gifts, employing them and taking them on overseas trips on his private jet.
But other members of the church dismissed the accusations.
“I don’t believe the charges,” said Katrina Maben as she exited with her husband and two children. “I love my pastor.”
She expressed similar affection for New Birth.
“I’ve been going here for 10 years, and I’ve never felt God’s presence the way I feel it here,” Ms. Maben said. “My life has changed since I came here
The story seems to have all but gone away. Eddie Long must be breaking some serious bread!