The Cruxifiction of Van Jones
by Jasiri X
Yall know I’m a Media Literist. (Yeah I went Keith Murray on that one.) So when Glenn “Looney Tunes” Beck started to take shots at Van Jones I watched the situation very closely. Of course Van’s old group which he co-founded but is no longer associated, Color of Change set it off on Beck costing him almost 60 advertisers and almost his job, but these Right Wing dudes do not lay down.
Beck came out swinging with the heavy lumber, and because he’s at Fox News the story just doesn’t end with him no matter how ridiculous. Once it gained traction Sean Hannity jumped in and then Bill O’ Riley now you got a digital rumble. But instead of coming to his aid the White House let him fight it out himself. (I guess that’s what you call tough love.) When I woke up Sunday Morning and found out Van had resigned I was VERY upset.
What made me so mad was Van was the closes thing to having ya partna in the White House. Now I don’t know him personally but I do know he’s a activist straight from the Hood, and everything Fox hatin on him for made him that much more real in my eyes. Plus even with his activist street cred brother has a law degree from Yale and some of the most innovative ideas to help heal our community. That being said I’ve had about enough of Fox News lynching black men (primarily) and all people who speak truth to power. I mean Michael Jacksoncouldn’t even catch a break! So since Fox is breakin out the big guns so am I, and yes I tried my best to wait to September 29 which is the This Week With Jasiri X Season 3 Premiere but I couldn’t let another brother get crucified and remain silent.
Strong Shout Out to Paradise Gray who was behind the camera and Track Fiends Production for the hot beat!
Jasiri X
In closing folks may wanna peep this speech that Van gave at the Powershift Summit in front of ten thousand people. He recieved a thunderous standing ovation. This was right before he was appointed to the White House
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