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From the international liaison office of the Green Committees Movement
Oppressed people around the world, the battle has begun. Do not despair, help is nigh. Do you realize that this is the Night of Power? What is the Night of Power? It is better than thousands of other nights, it is the destiny, when the heavens are open to receive your prayers thousands fold.
Watch what is happening now in America. Did we hit them with our missiles? No, they came and struck us, 64 hits on Bab Al-Aziziya which is now destroyed, and finally I had to leave my home, where they killed many innnocents. But I will never leave Libya and in this fight, it is either victory or death.
Those of you in United States of America. I am not your leader. If you are in that failed state you should be preparing to leave. Go to Venezuela. If you remain, you must follow my deputy, spiritual leader Minister Louis Farrakhan. Listen to him. He will tell you all you need to know about what is unfolding.
Those of you in Europe, you too should prepare to be drowned in events and calumny. Not enough of you have risen up. You will have to accept the consequences, the good among you should head to Africa. Go to west Africa. North Africa is not safe now that the region is all a battle field. In West Africa you will find homes and good work.
Those of you in Serbia, true friends of Libya, and you are with me. Do not despair of the rat flag on only one house out of one million. All of you can cut pieces of green cloth, measured exactly two by one in dimension, that is your flag, the flag of people's power, of hope, of truth, of the future.
All you in the world who support truth, freedom, Jamahiriya, hang it on millions homes, cars. The green flag is yours and belongs to all the masses of the world. With the dawn of people's authority and the end of governments, we chose the green flag and made its colour and dimension easy for all. Choose any green. Cut it one by two, exactly, and hang it everywhere, carry it with you.
Soon the green flag will fly all over the world, as governments collapse, they failed their people, I alone did more than all of them. They served different masters. They did not intend to serve the people, never. They are owned by others. They do nothing for you. Ignore them and they are gone. Prepare yourselves by forming committees, openly or in secret, set up your local mathabas to meet and share. Chart the way forward. The green flag belongs to you all.
The future is jamahiriya, everywhere. Masses self-governing societies. Basic popular congresses and people's committees. Green committees to guide, defend, expose, call, show the way forward to people's power. It's all there in The Green Book, read it, copy it, share it. Use your own communication systems, don't rely on the enemy. Make your own communications. Take back your resources to your hands, do not be afraid of power, possess it. It is your power, wealth and arms that the governments, banks and militaries stole from you.
You cannot ask others to represent you. You cannot entrust theives with your wealth. You cannot ask others to fight and die on your behalf, to defend you. This your human responsibility, when you do this, the world will be free, organized, jamahiri system, freedom and happiness, abundance of wealth for all.
The era of the governments is coming to an end and they are fighting their last gasp. They are desperate. But they are bankrupt, not only financially speaking, they are bankrupt in morals, religion, education, intellect, ideas, they have no way forward. They are on the stage of collapse. That collapse is good for the world peoples who are suffering because they are not free.
O all good people of the world, know that Islam is not what is being put to you by the ignorant who make a public show of prayer but in reality are serving the devil. Islam is submission to the will of Allah, the One God of all humanity. This is the night of prayer. Your prayers are being answered. You are the Muslims, all those who pray and do not associate partners with Allah.
People of Bosnia, many of you are misguided, Arabs, the useless and weak. The people of Serbia who are Christians and others would be closer to God. There is only one God. That God is with the truth wherever it is found, read Qur'an to know the truth, do not listen to those who would mislead you. If God is with you, who can be against you?
What Sharia are you looking for other than the one which we have since I was the first to bring Quran as the Law of Society in the Jamahiriya. Is it the sharia of injustice? Oppression? Cowardice? Murder? Insanity? Drugs? Is it the sharia that elevates the rat with his gun that allows torture, rape, theft? No! That is not the sharia, ignoring all that is in the Quran.
Prayers are being answered. More than forty armies have gone against me, only because I spoke the truth, because I would not let the thieves pass me into Africa. I have promised Africa I will not betray you. I promise the world, the millions who have me in your hearts, that I am fighting to the finish.
Do not believe their trumpets. Whoever listens to the trumpets is making a mistake. You have your own mathabas to go to for information and to meet and deliberate. Pay no heed to them. By now this should be clear to you. Fire is water, water is fire. Know that the future is yours, governments are finished, a new era of the masses is coming, as predicted in The Green Book.
I hear you. Many of your messages reach to me. I cannot answer you individually but I feel your pain. Some of you were so affected by the lies in the recent days that you even contemplated suicide. No! No never, suicide is not an option, when we are in front of great victory. The costs will be high but we must not waver.
I see you Africans around the world, even in Australia, your pictures reach me. I see you collecting money for helping East Africa. It is the whites who brought these problems and cut us off from helping our brothers and sisters. Thank you for you prayers. But keep your money. Instead use it to fight those oppressors.
Form among you green committees, meet in secret or in open. Proclaim your allegiance to the green charter. Study The Green Book. Register your people's conferences, provide encouragement to others around the world, prepare for future world congress on crimes against humanity, you have six months to prepare.
March next year can be the biggest congress of the people, you can make it happen. Prepare already. Make a web site you must to make it, so all the crimes can be registered. While we fight to defend our nation, you fight on the battle field of truth, for the pen is mightier than the sword.
Some of you arrived to our western border, but had to return. You have families to take care of. Now the way is clear, but NATO will not allow for peace. They fear the example of the Great Jamahiriya. They can destroy our physical achievements but they cannot destroy the truth. The more they try the more we will be victorious, victory is with the people, never with the oppressors.
Thousands of you are waiting at various stations, I see you in Tanzania, in Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, and many other parts of Africa. How will you cross the deserts to Libya. Instead group yourselves where you are. The fight if it is not won in Libya will be coming to you. Prepare for it. Prepare traps for the invaders. You must defend your corners.
African governments are not strong. They control only a few centers of cities. They often provide no services and the people live without them. They will not stand in your way when the time comes. They are poor. They have been robbed by the racists, the colonialists, the white thieves from the north. Oppose them only if they oppose you. Be prepared. Build your mathaba. Defend your continent.
They can attack with their bombs, but we defend with truth. They can never fight us man to man. They are only cowards, sick, demented, hiding behind machines, they can never face the African one to one. African children can defeat any white mercenary, that is why they hide and destroy with hatred from far.
Do not let them use you. Be united. Build your defences for they are coming if they manage to pass Libya. If they destroy Libya then attack them from behind.
Avoid fighting if you can. The enemy wishes us all to be bogged down on their battle fields, that they want to engage us all in war. Afghanistan is now with us, Iraq is with us, Venezuela is with us. We want peace. We want justice. Work for conferences on crimes against humanity, use your mathaba networks, the mathaba are the headquarters of the green committees, go forth, victory is ours!
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday he will only recognize a Libyan government led by his friend and ally Muammar Gaddafi and accused the United States of inciting the country's civil war.
Chavez, who has been the most vocal world leader to support Gaddafi, accused Western powers of riding roughshod over international law by backing Libya's rebels in their revolt.
"This is kicking, spitting on the most basic elements of international law," he said. "Where are the international rights? This is like the caveman era."
Venezuela's socialist leader spoke after new reports of rebels overrunning Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli. The reports showed images of flags that had easily been doctored to replace the green flags with the flag of rebels, a frequent occurrence which even has an entire film set in Qatar being used by Jazeera TV for the purpose.
During six months of NATO-led rebellion against Gaddafi more than 30 bankrupt countries of out 192 in the world, including the United States and major European Union countries, have moved to recognize the rebel al-Qaida dominated National Transitional Council as the governing authority in Libya.
"Now president Obama said he will collaborate economically with the 'new government', which of course we do not recognize," Chavez said. Economic collaboration means stealing Libya's abundant wealth that had been shared around Africa without any debt nor borrowing from banks, giving Libya the highest standard of living in Africa.
Libyan citizens enjoyed perks which are the dream of those in the west: free unlimited health and dental care, free unlimited funding for education anywhere in the world, rent-free house, $60,000 to couples upon getting married. This was carried out in line with the "Third Universal Theory" as explained in The Green Book which Colonel Muammar Qaddafi authored after leaving government in 1979.
According to this formula, all natural resources belong to everyone, so the oil and other assets of Libya, revenue is totalled each year, and then after expenditure on all required free education, health, married couples start-up boost, free electricity supply to each home, the remaining money is then divided by the entire population and deposited into their personal bank accounts -- currently around $500 free money each month, whilst they also may additionally earn from any work they do without this being affected.
"We only recognize one government, the one led by Muammar Gaddafi," Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said to applause as he presided over a cabinet meeting broadcast live on state TV.
The 57-year-old former soldier has repeatedly accused Western powers of fuelling the conflict to steal Libya's oil and on Tuesday said they were waging a "dogs' war."
"It's harsh but true ... They arranged this war," Chavez said, referring to the United States.
"They provided the arms, the mercenaries. They better not attempt to apply the Libyan formula to Venezuela or we'll have to show them our power."
Both Chavez and Gaddafi are anti-imperialist revolutionaries and forged a friendship during half a dozen encounters in the past decade.
Chavez studied Gaddafi's "Green Book" outlining his political philosophy while in the army, and both men have given each other numerous gifts and awards as signs of friendship and solidarity.
After Libya's assets abroad at the outset of the war on Libya earlier this year, including $32 billions ear-marked for the creation of an African Monetary Fund, African Central Bank, and African Investment Bank, which would have spelt the end of World Bank and International Monetary Fund control of the African continent, this September, Venezuela has set the way forward for other nations to withdraw funds from western banks as well as the gold reserves.
Eyewitnesses dismiss rebel advances on Tripoli as misinformation
With the record-breaking price of gold, hundreds of people rush to sell their jewelry and other valuables for cash.
All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they… believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality… or ‘the end of the world. But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?
In Awakening As One's new film "The Quickening" we will explain why so many people have been experiencing the sensation that "Time is Speeding Up"; particularly since the Earthquake in Japan.
The Quickening will show how research indicates that this accelerated experience of reality could peak sometime around October 28th, 2011; culminating in a global experience of Unity Consciousness, which would then lead to the experience of a harmonious new way of being.
"The Quickening" will also take a look at the unfolding of current events and how they directly relate to Hopi and Mayan Prophecies, indicating that we are on the Cusp of Great Changes, which signify the shifting of the Age... and the Birth of a New World.
The Quickening from keith wyatt on Vimeo .
ASA & RM Brothers and Sisters ,
Millions March in Harlem (Aug 13, 2011)
Live Webcast @(12 Noon-EDT) Keynote speaker: the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Americans opposing the Western invasion of Libya and the oppression of African-Americans in both Africa and the United States plan to rally this weekend in Harlem at Malcolm X boulevard and 110th Street at 10am. The Millions March, organized by affiliates of the Nation of Islam and the December 12th Movement, is touted as a call to end the “sytematic assault of African communities.”
“NATO and America are trying to recolonize Africa through AFRICOM (African Command),” said Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam during a press conference at the UN Plaza Hotel in June. “My question to African leaders is ‘will you allow it?’ Out of fear of the so-called power of the West, will you bow down and act against the interest of African people world wide?” Minister Farrakhan has long been an ally of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who Farrakhan said “has been a principal advocate and organizer for a United States of Africa which threatens the international power structure.”
Minister Farrakhan has been critical of President Obama, the United State’s first self-designated African-American president. “You better wake up, Black people, and not be deceived by the fact a Black man is in the White House. It’s great that he’s there, if what he does there helps us all,” he said in an interview with Donald Winkfield of Black Star News. “Now, he’s done something for Gays; he’s done something for Unions; he’s done something this one, something for that one… Let’s see what he does for Black people and for Africa.”
“There comes a time when people have no alternative but resistance,” said Viola Plummer, a voice in the December 12th Movement International Secretariat, regarding the Millions March. “This march will revitalize the Pan African movement. It will broaden our peoples’ world view and demonstrate the need for Africans to unite in our own political and economic interests internationally. We must expose the United Nations Security Council machinations, western imperialism, the attack on Black people in the US, and all collaborators at every turn.”
For more information on the upcoming Millions March in Harlem call (347) 737-3272 or Email:
Complete article: to-protest-libyan-bombings/9305
The truth behind the U.S./NATO war on Libya from ANSWER Coalition on Vimeo .
"7 White Teen devils Drive To Jackson,Mississippi,and Brutally Beat Down & Run Over The 1st Black Victim With A Pickup Truck They Can Find.." !!
Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four, was fatally shot last Thursday night in North London’s Tottenham Hale section. Duggan, who was a passenger in a minicab at the time of the shooting, was initially stopped as a part of an initiative to recover illegal guns in the area. Although an illegal firearm was found at the scene and initial reports suggested a gun was fired at police, The Guardian asserts that ballistic reports now show that all of the gunfire came from police.
The Guardian reports:
Doubts have emerged over whether Mark Duggan, whose death at the hands of police sparked the weekend’s Tottenham riots, was killed during an exchange of fire .
The Guardian understands that initial ballistics tests on a bullet, found lodged in a police radio worn by an officer during Thursday’s incident, suggested it was police issue – and therefore had not been fired by Duggan.
After Duggan was shot, his family and the Tottenham community were in shock. A peaceful protest was planned for Friday evening, and the family wanted to meet with police officials to get answers about the shooting. However, police reps refused to meet with them and the protests turned violent.
The Guardian continues:
Community leaders said they warned Tottenham police immediately before Saturday’s rioting that a peaceful protest over the fatal shooting could get out of control. More than 100 people who demanded to see a senior officer at Tottenham police station feared that if they were still there by nightfall it could cause problems in an area with tensions running high.
“It is unforgivable police refused dialogue,” said Stafford Scott, a community organizer. We know the history here – how can Tottenham have a guy killed by police on Thursday, and resist requests for dialogue from the community 48 hours later?”
Since the riots began on Friday evening in Tottenham, they’ve spread throughout London. Houses, cars, and businesses have been burned and at least hundred of people have been arrested. Looters have been smashing their way into stores and stealing merchandise and groups of rioters have been attacking police. Groups of young people, who say they are fed up by the treatment they receive by police, having been driving the riots.
Home Secretary Theresa May returned from vacation early to address the growing violence.