Yesterday at 11:30pm
Call this another conspiracy theory of Mr.Carlos Muhammad of Luv4self but I smell foul play. This facebook page may end up deleted after this but that is irrelevant to me. THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD regardless of the consequences.Some of you may be in denial that the reality existed that some people were REALLY upset with Michael Jackson and worked deliberately to discredit him...trump up charges on him and even paid off people to make negative comments regarding his personal life. Michael Jackson WAS becoming more politically aware and conscious and his ALLEGED affiliation with THE NATION OF ISLAM was even a concern to some. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research but I have added a few articles just to show the climate that Michael Jackson was dealing with.
I SMELL FOUL PLAY...maybe it's just me. Maybe I lost my mind but as soon as I heard that Michael Jackson was dead I felt something didn't add up.
Read the following articles and leave some comments and let me know your opinion...that is IF YOU'RE NOT SCARED.
Michael Jackson - NOI and Anti-Semite?
From Neocon Latina: (see her blog for links)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New York Times Covers Up Islam Reference in Jermaine Jackson Farewell to Michael Jackson
As media outlets have reported, Jermaine Jackson had the following farewell message to his late brother, Michael Jackson: "May Allah be with you always." Watch for yourself here.
But strangely, the NY Times omits the "Allah" reference altogether and instead reports that Jermaine said, "May our love be with you always." Ah, the New York Times -- what would we do without The Paper of Record?
And, I'm not holding my breath, but let's see if any of the tributes for this child-molesting, drug-abusing psychopath mention that he was also a raving anti-Semite, who had this to say about Jews in 2003: "They suck... they're like leeches... It's a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose." Not to mention Jackson's 1995 song They Don't Care About Us, which contained the following anti-Semitic slurs: "Jew me, sue me, everybody do me/ Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me."
No wonder Michael Jackson converted to Islam in his later years and also became affiliated with the Nation of Islam.
He was a great musician, but this creep will not be missed.
Palm Beach, FL, February 9, 1996...
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed outrage that Michael Jackson has reinstated anti-Semitic lyrics into his song "They Don't Care About Us" for its video release. Mr. Jackson had assured ADL last June that he would re-record the song to eliminate the offensive lyrics.
"We were outraged to see Michael Jackson perform the song with the anti-Semitic lyrics on a nationally syndicated television show," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "We had taken Mr. Jackson at his word that the anti-Semitic lyrics were deleted from the song."
After ADL protested the lyrics, "Jew me, Sue me" and "Kick me, Kike me," in the song which was released as part of the album HIStory, Mr. Jackson wrote to Mr. Foxman on June 22 saying, "...I have chosen to re-record it ["They Don't Care About Me"], deleting the words found offensive." In the letter to ADL, Mr. Jackson said, "I acknowledge that I seriously offended some people which was never my intention and for that I am deeply sorry... I have come to understand over the past days that these words are considered anti-Semitic...I sincerely hope that anyone offended by my words will forgive me for not recognizing this sooner."
"We accepted your apology, and we assumed that the video would conform with our understanding. Apparently we were wrong...," Mr. Foxman wrote to Mr. Jackson on February 6.
"Anti-Semitism and racism have no more place in the entertainment business than they do in the rest of society," Mr. Foxman added. "...with the release of such a video, instead of remaining a spokesman against hate and prejudice, you have made a decision which reinforces intolerance."
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Michael Jackson Has "An Anti-Semitic Streak" -- Tape Shows He Hasn't Learned From Past Mistakes
New York, NY, November 23, 2005 …
Reacting to revelations that Michael Jackson referred to Jews as "leeches" in a voicemail to a former business manager, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said the pop music icon "has an anti-Semitic streak" and hasn't learned from his past mistakes, including the use of anti-Semitic epithets in a 1995 song he wrote.
In tapes aired yesterday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Mr. Jackson was heard saying of Jews, "They suck … They're like leeches. … I'm so tired of it … It is a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:
Michael Jackson has an anti-Semitic streak, and hasn't learned from his past mistakes. It seems every time he has a problem in his life, he blames it on Jews. It is sad that Jackson is infected with classically stereotypical ideas of Jews as all-powerful, money-grubbing and manipulative.
We had hoped that Jackson would have learned from his mistakes. While he apologized for, and later removed the anti-Jewish lyrics in "They Don't Care About Us," it is clear now that he never was able to completely remove the bigotry from his own heart.
It is important now for Mr. Jackson to stand up and acknowledge that his words are hurtful and hateful. He needs to show his fans that he rejects bigotry and is truly serious about stamping out, in his words, "the ugliness of racism, anti-Semitism and stereotyping." This can only begin with an apology to Jews everywhere, especially those fans who have been deeply hurt and offended by his words.
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting Antisemitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT THE ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
The Ugly Truth about the ADL
Editors of the Executive Intelligence Review
152 pages, ISBN: 0-943235-07-3
Copyright 1992 5th printing, 1994
Published by Executive Intelligence Review
Perfect Bound
ugly truth about adl.gif (103716 bytes)
Despite its reputation as a well oiled and effective public relations organization, many consider the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) to be one of the most dangerous organizations in the world.
With a reported average annual budget of a little bit over 48-million dollars, the ADL has often used its considerable clout and connections to silence any voices who dare to stand against their lobbying tactics or tacit yet active approval of thought repression.
The ADL has repeatedly capitalized on the fact that most Americans believe what they see and hear at face value by conducting some of the most vile and reprehensible smear campaigns ever.
Increasingly, with the use of the Internet many more scandalous and shocking revelations are being made known by individuals and organizations that care more about the principles of truth than they do about being labeled.
There aren’t many with in depth knowledge of the shady formation and unsavory characters involved in what is the modern representation of the ADL. The editors of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) have delivered a significant amount of information in a small yet compelling book titled "The Ugly Truth About the ADL."
The San Francisco Spy Scandal in 1994 showed the public what many of us have already known and that is that the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith acts as a spy organization supplying intelligence data to foreign governments and delivering damaging information -- often fabricated or intentionally altered -- to enemies of those deemed to be their opponents.
More often that not, the opponents of the ADL are those who stand in defense of freedom of speech and are not afraid to criticize the ADL’s tactics, information gathering stratagem, or object to what we at the TEI refer to as specious claims of anti-Semitism hurled so effectively and indiscriminately by the ADL in defense of their selfish economic or political interests.
The book begins with a swift yet tidy analysis of the above-mentioned San Francisco spy scandal in which the ADL was found to be guilty of spying on hundreds of political, human rights and religious organizations, maintaining files and dossiers on their organizational memberships and leaders.
They were also said to be infiltrating countless law enforcement agencies, bribing law enforcement officials, and obtaining classified data on private citizens.
Far from being an isolated incident of impropriety, further research found the ADL to be guilty of providing information on anti-Apartheid groups to agents of the apartheid government of South Africa possibly resulting in the mysterious disappearance of many anti-Apartheid activists. The same modus operandi was used to harness Arab activism in America and abroad. Israeli authorities have repeatedly shown their propensity for violence through assassination of their enemies, and in some cases, their friends, outright either by their military, or surreptitiously through their Mossad agents and operatives.
All of the above information is presented in the foreword to the book, which should give you an indication of the EIR’s thorough treatment of the subject.
for more info from this book please check out this link: http://www.truthinstitute.org/TEI_Book_AnalysisUTA.htm